Save The Amazon Golf Challenge

Major UpdatePosted: January 15th 2017
We will be having two PGA Tour players at our tournament! Stay tuned to learn more!

We are holding the 10th annual Save the Amazon Golf Challenge and Tournament in June 2017. More information will be available shortly.

Remember that you can register for the challenge in our NPObuzz web site and either create or join a team. There will be 36 teams with four members each and we will as previously be having a shotgun start with two teams per hole.

When you create your team, you will have a fundraising page for the team created here in buzzPages. When you join a team you will also have an individual fundraising page created! Please add your own messages to the page and activate it. Then spread the call for support and donations through our promotion tools to all your contacts and through Facebook and Twitter. 

We had a fantastic total last year.  Let's beat that this year!

.....  and remember - you'll be able to buy mulligans again this year!

In the meantime, have fun with Psy....



This is a gallery full of dogs!

Major UpdatePosted: January 15th 2017
We will be having two PGA Tour players at our tournament! Stay tuned to learn more!
Players are already signing up!Posted: January 14th 2017
We are pleased to see the number of signups for our golf challenge. We still have teams and team places left but on a first come first served basis. Be quick! - Do not miss this great fundraising tournament.

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Long URL: The Amazon Golf Challenge
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